Orchestras and Chamber Ensembles
Symphony Orchestra (MUSIC 3621):
Students will engage in a vigorous orchestral experience where they will expand their knowledge and enjoyment of advanced repertoire with like-minded musicians. CSO offers rich concert programming experiences through major works of the orchestral canon as well as groundbreaking works representing music of our time.
Director: Gabriela Gómez Estévez
Meets: Tuesday 4:45 - 6:25 pm, Thursday 4:45 - 6:45 pm
Visit the Orchestra website for more information.
Performing Chamber Music: Music of Saxophones (MUSIC 3701):
This coached chamber music course focuses on the performance of standard and emerging saxophone quartet (SATB) and sextet (sopranino through bass) music. Instruction emphasizes rehearsal skills, leadership, and collaborative methods; familiarization with the repertory; musical analysis through performance; and the development of a historically informed, musically unified, interpretation. The course will conclude with a concert featuring music prepared throughout the semester in collaboration with the Ithaca College saxophone quartet.
Visit this page for more information.
Director: James Spinazzola
Meets: TBA
Chamber Orchestra (MUSIC 4621):
CCO provides our musicians the opportunity to come together in an ensemble setting to rehearse and perform the highest quality literature from the chamber orchestra repertoire.
Director: Gabriela Gómez Estévez
Meets: Monday 4:45 - 6:25 pm, Wednesday 4:45 - 6:45 pm
Visit the Orchestra website for more information.
Chamber Music Ensembles (MUSIC 4651):
Works from duos to octets, for pianists, string, and wind players.
Coordinator: Juliana Pepinsky
Times to be arranged
Early Music Lab (MUSIC 4651):
How do we execute baroque ornaments? What are “correct” baroque bowings? What can we learn from gut strings and baroque bows? What are baroque tunings and temperaments? Early Music Lab welcomes curious string and keyboard players interested in exploring current stylistic conventions in practice within the Early Music revival movement. We will spend five minutes at the start of each session discussing a short reading, and then dive into playing a rich repertoire of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century European music. This conductor-less chamber formation may break into smaller chamber groups, depending on interests. For information, please check the Early Music Lab webpage and contact Addi Liu.
Meets: Wedenesday 7:00-9:00, B08 Lincoln Hall
Wind Ensembles
Wind Symphony (MUSIC 3631):
The Wind Symphony unites student musicians in an ensemble dedicated to the study and performance of emerging and traditional wind repertoire. Visit the Wind Symphony website for more information.
Director: James Spinazzola
Meets: Monday 4:45 - 6:45 pm, Wednesday 4:45 - 6:45 pm
Chamber Flute Ensemble (MUSIC 4631):
Small ensembles meet weekly to explore diverse flute repertoire with a variety of instrumentation (piccolo, alto flute, bass flute). There will be a performance opportunity at the end of the semester.
Director: Juliana Pepinsky
Groups and times to be arranged
Jazz Ensembles
Click here for more information on the CU Jazz Ensembles website.
Jazz Ensemble (MUSIC 4615):
Performs classic and contemporary big band literature.
Director: Paul Merrill
Meets: Tuesday 4:40-6:40 pm in Lincoln B20 and Thursday 4:40-6:40 pm in Bailey Hall
Jazz Combos (MUSIC 4616):
Director: Paul Merrill
Groups and times to be arranged.
Jazz Repertory Ensemble (MUSIC 3615):
Performs classic big band literature.
Director: Paul Merrill
World Music, Percussion and Improvisation Ensembles
Deixa Sambar (Music 3609):
Deixa Sambar performs several styles of samba, Brazil’s national music. Members need not have prior background in music-making, but a good sense of rhythm is desirable. Members include students as well as Ithaca community members, brasileiros as well as newcomers to Brazilian culture. Rehearsals develop playing skills, with a deep emphasis on cultural understanding of this vital, community-based music.
Director: Steven Pond
Meets: Thursday 7:30-9:25 pm in Lincoln Hall B20
Gamelan Ensemble (MUSIC 3610):
Performs the traditional repertoire of Central Javanese gamelan. Priority is given to those with prior experience, whether from having taken MUSIC 2341 Gamelan in Indonesian History and Cultures or otherwise, but newcomers with applicable musical ability are welcome. The ability to read staff notation is not required, but a good ear and sense of rhythm are helpful. Individual instruction is offered as necessary. Those wishing to learn more advanced instruments and techniques should also enroll in MUSIC 4641. Find out more about gamelan at Cornell or watch this trailer.
Director: Christopher J. Miller
Meets: Monday 7:30 - 9:25 pm in Lincoln Hall B24
Steel Band (MUSIC 3613):
The Cornell Steel Band explores the wide variety of music for an orchestra of instruments fashioned from 55-gallon oil drums, and an “engine room” of non-pitched percussion. Formal musical training is not necessary, though a sense of rhythm and a good ear are helpful. Priority is given to music majors and minors, and to continuing members. An interview with the director is required for new members.
Director: Christopher J. Miller
Meets: Wednesday 4:30-6:30 pm in Bailey Hall
Cornell Hip Hop Collective (MUSIC 3616):
This course is open to experienced rappers, beatmakers, and vocalists interested forging collaborative relationships with other students. The fall semester will center on hip-hop’s relationship to social justice. From the beginning of the semester, we will work together to plan and record a thematic album. As we develop this project, we will construct and analyze playlists that explore how hip-hop historically grew out of racialized struggle and how it is and could be used to comment on and challenge systemic racism today. We will identify and employ hip-hop compositional strategies for creating socially engaged beats and rhymes, including musical sampling and lyrical intertextuality, and will use these tools to create and workshop collaborative tracks in weekly meetings.
Director: Moustapha Fall
Meets: Monday/Wednesday 6:20 - 7:20 pm, Online
Music Improvisation Ensemble (Music 3660):
The Music Improvisation Ensemble provides students with the opportunity to explore the elements of music from an improviser’s perspective. Each session will focus on a different area of improvisation, including noise, graphic scores, conducted improvisation, free music, small and large group improvisation, and interdisciplinary collaboration with dance and film. This ensemble is open to any level of musician.
Director: Annie Lewandowski
Meets: Wednesday 7:30 – 9:25 pm in Lincoln Hall B20
Cornell Percussion Group (MUSIC 3634):
Performs in various combinations while exploring the breadth of the expanding percussion repertory.
Director: Michael Truesdell
Meets: Monday 7:30 – 9:25 pm in Lincoln Hall B20/Wednesday 7:30 - 9:25 pm in Lincoln Hall B21
Performance Consent Form for Student