Students in a music class
Scholarship, performance and composition

About Us

Our special distinction is a dedication to excellence in the study of music that reflects a concern for the constant interaction of scholarship, performance, and composition by faculty members and students alike. 

Students performing in a Music Department event

Giving to the Department of Music

Unrestricted gifts, no matter what the amount, help support every facet of the Cornell Music Department. Gifts may also be designated to support a specific area of the department’s activities. Endowments provide assurance that funding will be available in perpetuity to support the Department’s facilities and programs.

You can make a gift online at Cornell’s Alumni, Parents & Friends page or send a check payable to “Cornell University” (Memo: Music Department) to:

Cornell University
Box 37334
Boone, IA 50037-0334

Poster art for "Bob Moog Goes Digital"

History of the Music Department

The study of music at Cornell is defined by traditioncreativity, scholarship, collaboration and breadth. 

Visit this page to learn more about the history of our department.
