Upload Supplemental Submission in Jazz or Pop

Performers may submit either audio or video of two or three contrasting selections or portions of thereof (ones that show variety in style, character, etc.). The total length of the recording should not exceed 10 minutes. Recordings longer than 10 minutes may not be viewed in their entirety. If you have multiple abilities, each instrument should be submitted separately, as these are evaluated by different people. All required information listed below and the clickable link to the recording(s) should be included in ONE Word or PDF document for upload.

The document uploaded must follow the following naming convention: instrument-lastname-first-name-commonapplicantnumber

All applicants must complete BOTH steps below – submissions that do not include the survey (step 1) will not be considered.

1) Complete this survey (to allow for the materials to be matched to your Cornell application file)

2) Upload a file via the appropriate link below. All files uploaded must follow the following naming convention: instrument-lastname-firstname-commonapplicantnumber. In the submission document, please provide the following information:

  • Common Application Number (required)
  • Full name and e-mail address
  • Date of Birth (Month, Day, Year: e.g. August 4, 2002)
  • State/Country of high school/current institution
  • College of application (please note: ILR does not consider supplemental music submissions as part of their application process, though submissions will still be reviewed)
  • Indicate one: Early Decision, Regular Decision, or Transfer Admission
  • Instrument/voice part
  • A list of the selections (with titles and composers) and assisting performers (if applicable)
  • Link to the recording (preferably YouTube; instructions for “unlisted” videos are here).
